Wednesday, March 26, 2025

"Notes from the Road"
Sharing some of the interesting emails from our friends

Have a comment or a question?
Email Niki & Jack at


Marilyn writes: How do you get the half price parks?

Hi Marilyn, It's a club called Passport America. We use it for about 75% of our stops and liked it well enough to become lifetime members.
Find it at Passport America.
Jack and Niki


We are planning to head to Florida from Maine in March and we are new to this type of travel and are realizing that we should have planed sooner .
We are looking for sugestions for route and places to stay along the way and where we might stay when we get there. From looking at your site it looks like you would have some good sugestions, Thank you, Howard

Hello Howard, There are a ton of variables that would affect my answer to your questions. Only you know how many travel miles per day you are comfortable with. You didn't mention whether you prefer campgrounds, truckstops or rest areas to rest on your trip. What kind of destination RV park do you need down here in Florida and what area?
Not knowing more than we do know about your trip I would ask you to review our page at
Our Snpwbird Winter Route.
Then if you have some specific questions we will do our best to answer them.
If you plan to spend a few weeks in Florida in one place you need to make reservations early for the better RV Parks.


Great web page guys. I retired 2 years ago, bought a class A and have done over 30 states with my wife and new puppy, “lovin every minute of it”. Haven’t done any travels southbound in the winter as of yet. A friend just bought a class A and is planning to head south shortly. I’ve given him as much advice (from my mistakes) as I can but was unable to assist him with a very good question. He will be leaving Ontario (to Florida) with a winterized coach. Are you aware of any locations enroute that would summerize the coach for him, and, on the way home, would they winterize it. If there are any locations, whether campsites, KOA’s, or camping worlds it would be a great thing to add to your website for others to take advantage of. Keep up the good work. RV on! Frank

Hi Frank, Very nice to receive your note and thank you for the kind comment. Most people we know check into an RV Park or campground below the freezing weather and de-winterize themselves. A phone call ahead can ascertain whether they have someone on staff that can assist if needed. Most will help or at least offer suggestions if asked.
This tutorial might be of help
Another option would be to contact a Camping World nearest the point where he would like to de-winterize his unit before starting out and set an appointment. The website for locating Camping Worlds is My concern would be the wait at their service center. I hope that is of some help for your friend. Safe travels and enjoy the journey, Jack


JB sent us his Resume' looking for campground woirk for he and his wife. This was our response.

Great looking Resume'. I suggest you send copies out to places that interest you from our listings on Workamping.  It's all free. If you do not receive "Coleen's Workers on Wheels" weekly newsletter be sure to sign up for it. Very informative and up-to-date. Safe travels, Jack

My wife and I are trying to plan out a trip from Orlando to New England over the summer. We want to spend about a week in New England and only want to drive about 400-450 miles on the way and back. We have a 32 foot motor home and two dogs that will be traveling with us. Any recommendations on stops on the way and some of the best parks while we are there would be greatly appreciated. B.

Nice to hear from you. You may have noticed on our website that we did the New England loop a couple of Springs ago. We towed a 38' Fifth Wheel at that time with two cats on board.
We Started in Tampa with our first stop in Jacksonville, then Savannah and took 17 North from Myrtle Beach with stops in New Bern, NC and stopovers to visit the Outer Banks and Atlantic City before hitting all of the New England States.
If that sounds of interest to you we chronicled the trip split as two separate routes:
Part I - Florida to NY
Part II - Our New England "Loop"
You may be on a time schedule but being retired we are not so we only do 200 - 250 miles on travel days. We found early on that spending 8 or 10 hours on the road and then back at it the next day tired us out and took all of the fun out of RVing. We stay at least two nights at each new stop to explore an area.
Send along any questions regarding the routes and stops and we will try to answer them.Jack & Niki


We just acquired a 5th wheel from acquisition of land we just purchased.  I would like to plan a trip from New Orleans to Tarpon Springs in the Spring with this in tow. I looked at your website ( super informative) , but unfortunately I did not see any routes that you had advised that goes down that far.  Would you know of any other appropriate sources for me to check so that we have the best experience possible. Merry Christmas. Kindest Regards, B

We have made the trip from New Orleans several times. The easiest route providing you don't want to take the sight-seeing route along Florida's Panhandle would be straight across I-10 to I-75 and then I-75 South to Exit 275. Take FL-54 West to Tarpon Springs. -Jack

Would love to hear about some of the stops you have made across the 1-10 route.  The campsites we have visited are Pine Island outside of Charleston (that was awesome) shuttle to Charleston and a fantastic Xmas light show.  Fort Clinch State Park again wonderful right on the beach!  Anastasia State Park great for seeing St Augustine.  Further up north we stayed at the KOA in Myrtle Beach just okay. But finally discovered the transit in Myrtle Beach after a  week of waiting on appointments for repairs on the RV. Don’t have my journal with me at the moment but as always there was some really nasty campgrounds too.
Thanks again!  K & J

These are 5 along I-10 that we have visited and would again.
Lake CityBonifay
Alabama - (One of Niki's favorite stops.)
Mississippi - (One of our top 5 favorites near the Gulf and Silver Slipper Casino.)
Bay Saint Louis
Note that the Silver Slipper Casino also has a small campground on the Gulf within walking distance of the Casino. We aren't gamblers but we love good buffets. Wish we knew you were doing Myrtle. It's one of our favorite destinations and have a number of favorite places to visit. We are glad you are having fun - that's what it's all about.


Hi I came across your website and have a question – Do you take the cats with you camp hosting?  We are starting next year and that’s the only thing we haven’t figured out yet – what to do with our cat.  He’s an indoor/outdoor (mostly outdoor) cat.  I kinda think he’d do fine in a campground and would come back to us if we let him out but I’d sure hate to lose him. Thanks

Yes our two felines go where we go without a problem. They are indoor cats so I can't say how your outdoor cat will do but they all usually find their way home at meal time.

We are planning a trip to Vermont with our RV in middle of Sept. How long does your RV season stay open? Judy

Hi Judy, Most campgrounds in Vermont are open until mid-October. Learn more at the Vermont Camping Association's website. ( Jack

Jack, what's good RV forum site with 2016 comments on is it realistic to keep driving to US with our loonie possible hitting $.65 US!. Tks Greg

Greg, There are many Snowbirds doing it but trying to be very frugal. In our Park here in Florida  the ratio is probably over 50% Canadian down here everything is geared for Snowbirds and competition is keen so there are coupons and BOGO's aplenty. I am not sure how the West Coast is for Snowbirds, though I have heard Texas is very welcoming. We will reach that area eventually. Our favorite forums to follow are: (Choose your favorites from "Groups".) and There are many other forums of course but these tend to keep things interesting. RVillage is newer and just coming into its own. IRV2 is the place to find or get answers on just about anything RV or travel related. Jack

 hi I'm Todd can u possibly get manuals n books like that???? my rv is so old that I can't get a manual for it anywhere...could u please help or direct me to someone who could please?. (1986 Fleetwood wilderness 33T?)

Todd, This is what I have found so far. Hope it is some help for you? Owner's manuals are available for model year 1980 through current year by sending check or money order in the amount of $7.50 ($8.00 California residents) to:Fleetwood Service & Training Center, PO BOX 1007, Decatur, IN 46733. (1010 W. Commerce Drive - (260) 728-9564) Please include make, model and year you are requesting along with a return address. Obtain appliance manuals directly from those manufacturers. Jack

Love your website.  I have referred dozens of people especially workampers to it for searching for work.  It is loaded with information. I do have a suggested addition to your site as a lot of workampers are asking about this: Full timing since 2013 and loving it. Steve & Diana

Hello Steve & Diana, That would be a good addition and thanks for suggesting it. We will add it on the next update. Thank you for the kind words as well. Happy trails, Jack

Looking for work great customer service skills. Disneyland Hotel 10 yrs./Yellowstone Park Jackson Wy 22 yrs. Bartender Manager/Restaurant Manager. M.C.

Hi MC, Check the job sources on our page at They are all free to use. Jack

New to rv'ing just got an thor axis 24.1 going to fla. from  ind. should I avoid i75 or will I be ok being a newbie. Sandy

Hi Sandy, We have family in Indy and have run I-65 to I-64 to I-75 and South several times without a problem. We will actually be traveling the route North next Spring to attend our grandson's graduation near Indianapolis. My advice is to plan your route and your stops in advance and then take your time and enjoy the trip. Joining a "Roadside Assistance" program will give you further peace of mind for any trip. Safe travels, Jack


Hi, We are new campers, (we both just retired), and we have just come to the near end of our first 2 month trip.  We went from Boston, to NC, to various cities in Florida, and then to Tennessee.  We are now in Georgetown, Kentucky, and are heading home.  We like to travel about 3-5 hrs per day to each new destination.  Though I had the first part of our trip already planned, I am now in Kentucky, not knowing where to go to stop on the way home to Boston.  We will see some of Kentucky and then want to stop somewhere in West Virginia, before we go to Pennsylvania.  Do you have any suggestions for where we could stay for 2 nights in West Virginia?  I saw that Charleston was nice, but it is only about 2 hrs from where we are and we wanted to travel a bit more North before stopping.  Do you have any suggestions for areas in W.V.?  Then we want to to to PA, but besides Hersey, we don’t know of any good stops there either.  We wanted to maybe see some Mormon towns, as we have already been to Hersey Park and Philadelphia. We only need to know these two states, as when we leave PA, we will go directly home to Boston.  Any ideas for us? Thanks for your help. Debbie

Hi Debbie, We do have a couple of ideas for you of places we have enjoyed.
In West Virginia consider
Babcock State Park, Clifftop, WV - the grist mill on the river is a spectaular sight in Fall and photographers come from all over.
Beckley Exhibition Coal Mine
New River Gorge Bridge, Fayetteville, WV
We have stayed at Mountain Lake State Park and Falling Waters Campground in WV.
In Pennsylvania.
Gettysburg National Military Park and the Museum
Railroad Museum in Strasburg
Lancaster - Big Amish area. I've done no exploring of the Mormon areas.
Jim Thorpe is also a very interesting Town.
We have stayed in several PA campgrounds and they are listed on our page at
Be sure to call ahead to any campgrounds in either State at this time of year to see if they are still open.
Jack and Niki
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Hi, We are travelling south and looking for sites open in later October.  Would that include you??
Dave and Connie

Hello Dave and Connie, We don't have a campground - we write and Blog about routes, campgrounds and try to answer RVing questions.
Jack and Niki


My first toyhauler!
I'll be buying my first Fifth Wheel toyhauler after Dec 2015. I never owned a camper. Any hints or tips on brands of campers? It will be me, two Labrador retriever dogs, & two motorcycles. There must be over 100 different brands out there. Probably be two to four year old FW TH.  I will be pulling it with my 2004 Dodge Ram 2500 Diesel Pickup.  Any suggestions will help. Thanks for listening. -Ronnie

Hi Ronnie, When you want the best answers - go to the Pros! I have listed a couple of Forums below that you can join (no cost) and they will be happy to answer any question about Toy Haulers. We have never owned one so I am short on specifics for you. I do have a couple of pieces of advice that I take to heart in general. First off have a mechanic or a trusted, knowledgeable friend help you inspect any used trailer you are interested in buying and secondly when you need a repair - take it to the manufacturer if it's major - or seek out a qualified mobile RV technician (they try harder) if it's something minor but you are not qualified to fix. Dealers emphasis is on sales and often just hire unqualified people off the street to learn on-the-job. For example the current 5th wheel we have we purchased from Lazy Days in Tampa, self-proclaimed largest RV Dealer in the World. They had our rig for over a month and couldn't solve our problem. On the other hand on a previous brand new 5th wheel we had a list of 15 items that needed fixing. We took it back to the Coachmen factory in Indiana and all items were corrected in one day, plus we had a personal tour of the factory, plus they had free camping at the factory where we spent a couple of days visiting the area.
Now if we can help with questions about routes or the inner-workings of an RV we'll give it a shot but as for scouting and buying your first Toy Hauler I would get to know these folks:
Road Warriors  - Buying a Toy Hauler
Take your time and do your homework because you are going to love this new chapter in your life. We're here for you if we can assist.

We stand corrected!
Hi found your website while looking for RV route planning help. This section needs updated: Good Sam - Campgrounds & Routes Participating Good Sam Parks offer 10% discount to members, but others are listed and you need not be a member to route your trip. You do need to be a member of Good Sam to use their routing program at their site. So disappointing that they couldn't leave it free, at least a basic version. Thanks for all the rest of the information. -Kimberly

Hi Kimberly, Thanks for the update Kimberly - we will make the change. We use our Good Sam card mainly for the discount at Pilot/Flying J and Camping World. For our most recent trip we used Google Maps to set a course through the places we wanted to visit, Passport America to find campgrounds nearby and RV Park Reviews to see what others thought of the campgrounds. Google maps also gives a roadside view of what the campground and entrance may look like. We enjoy the planning almost as much as the journey (almost).We consider Passport America and a Trucker's Atlas as our 2 best investments after a GPS. Thanks again and safe travels.

Can't wait for life's next adventure!
My Husband and I have started a second run of working and living on the Road'  Years ago when our daughter was just a little whippah snappah we migrant worked Northern Maine in Summers and winters we went south. Our ultimate Goal is to spend 3-4 months in Az close to our daughter and her family .For the last 10 years We ran our big rig  intrastate in fl it was a hustle bustle business no time to smell the roses just the pavement.We new we had to change our lives so we closed our trucking business down and now we're in Maine 6 months Working our land their, Yarding out fire wood and selling our veggies on our stand. Johns painting driving dump Truck putting in septic tanks and driving excavators and occasionally we lay laminate and tile floors .End of October we'll be heading to Az looking for a host camp or Farm to camp and work. We both are motivated and hard workers with love for family and friends.Can't wait for the next adventure that comes our way -Wendy

Hi Wendy, Sounds like you 2 really keep busy but are also enjoying life. I hope our website is of some help to you when you need it. We do it because we also love to help people. All the best and keep enjoying life's journey.

Workamping without an RV?
We're a snowbird couple interested in working this winter but do we need an RV to work in a campground? -Caroline

Hi Caroline, We have yet to find a campground or RV park that provides housing for its Workampers. We have a long list of job sites on our website at You might search through the listings to see if there might be something that suits your needs. Good luck in your search,

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Florida camping - kid and ATV friendly?
Hello, Just came across your website and thought you may be the perfact people to ask! So I am from Nova Scotia, and looking for a good spot for a year around site to put my 30' camper, somewhere along eastern US ...flordia and up to Maine maybe.....We have kids and would like to travel somewhere a bit warmer than here in NS maybe for a month here and there throughout the year. Somewhere that isnt too crazy high priced and a place I can just leave my camper year around and somewhere that is kid friendly....ideally flordia would be the best but we would be driving to and from each time so if it were further north would be fine too............A place that was ATV friendly would be good too as I would like to combine camping with also riding on ATV trails. Hahah.....yes Im asking for alot I relize this. Thanks, -Corey

Hello Corey, That is a tall order for sure. It's all about priorities and it seems your top 2 are Florida and ATV's? You can start by searching "atv rv park in FL" on Google and you will find several destinations to look at. What else can we help you with?

Houston to Washington, D.C.
First of all I'd like to say the I really enjoy reading your Snowbird RV Trails and all the information it provides. My wife and I, along with her brother and wife, are headed to Washington D.C. next week in our 2014 Thor Freedom Elite 26T motorhome from the Houston, Texas area. Do you have any information on the best route we should take? I'd like to see historical things and places as well as nature trails and sights. We are in no rush and with no schedule on this trip. My wife is a retired professor and I'm a retired oil/gas engineer and we prefer places which are nice and quiet for our camping grounds Also, we are thinking of visiting New York City as well but are not familiar with the highways and campgrounds in that area. I'd also like to visit Gettysburg on this trip. Any comments would be greatly appreciated. I prefer to stay away from heavy traffic if possible, especially 18-wheeler trucks. I thank you in advance and do look forward to hearing back from you. If you're ever in the Houston area please stop by. Thank you,  -Jay and Mary

Hi Jay and Mary, I am happy to hear you enjoy our Snowbird RV Trails. Your kind comment is appreciated. We are in Eastern Pennsylvania tonight at about the 1,250 mile point in our latest 1,500 mile trip. If all goes well we will be in Upstate NY tomorrow evening near the Canadian border. You have a fine trip coming up and will be covering a great deal of this wonderful Country. We are just the opposite in our planning and usually take the major Interstates between the destinations we want to see. Traffic and trucks do bother a lot of drivers but I have come to terms with co-existing among them. If we were taking your trip we would either take a route up through Mississippi (I love driving through that State) and visit some of it's Southern history and then possibly stop to see Elvis' Graceland in Memphis and then over to visit the Grand Old Opry in Nashville - then the Smokey Mountains - Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge area and on to the East Coast and take 17 up through Savannah, Charleston, Myrtle Beach, the Outer Banks on up to D.C. There is also the Blue Ridge Mountains and the Shenandoah National Park to consider. My other route would be I-10 and 90 East through New Orleans, Biloxi, Mobile (Bellingrath Gardens are beautiful) then detour along the beaches of Florida's Panhandle.Take I-75 North from Lake City and you can visit the Civil War's infamous Andersonville as well as Plains Georgia the hometown of a certain peanut farmer that made good. Chattanooga has Lookout Mountain  and even a wrecking truck museum. The possibilities are endless and we've traveled many of the routes East of the Mississippi. When you narrow down your "must-sees" we will be happy to chime in with our 2 cents if we can. It's not about the final destination - it's all about the journey!

Working from your RV
Good Morning from Oregon, Just wanted to let you know how informative and enjoyable your Snowbird blog is. We are just starting out on our adventure of selling our house and traveling. We will be starting from the far NW side of Oregon and working our way across the U.S. I decided to follow your blog so as we work our way your direction we will have great info on that side of the U.S. Such great information! And what a huge amount of work you have put into each entry! Love the links you provide for finding your way with campground information etc. The mileage break down, costs, etc is so good to see. Also enjoyed seeing the entry about your business of selling books on the road. Having a small business while traveling is something we have been discussing and will most likely do while on the road. I would enjoy hearing more about what you learn about doing business and traveling at the same time. I have been an Antique dealer for 30 years and I also sell some of my art work creations. I will be having a small crafting work area in our fifth wheel. Very small!  But, it will be a needed thing for me! Anyway, love your blog, thanks so much for all the great posting,  -Sara

Hi Sarah, Thank you for your very kind words. So many have helped us - we try to pass along information we find that might be helpful to others. You are about to start a new chapter in your lives that can be exciting and a little frightening at the same time - stepping out of your established comfort zone and starting a journey into the unknown. Sounds like a preamble to a Twilight Zone episode? The good news is you both are going to love it! RVers in general are both a happy and a helpful lot. From the neighbor in the RV next door that will tell you how he does something to the helpful fellow who pops over with the beer in his hand to assist you in backing in. We love to talk about RVing so anytime we can help answer a question - send it along and we will do our best. Safe travels and enjoy the journey,

How would we do it?
What is the best rv club to join; we are newbies and want to save money on our trip and enjoy the camps. What is the best app to use to plan trips? -B

Hi B, We are lifetime members of Passport America and stay at their half-price campgrounds at least 75% of the time on all of our trips.
We use a number of programs when planning our next trip including, and always check the routes in our Motor Carriers Atlas. Some people prefer to just hit the road and stop each night wherever they happen to be. That's not us. Planning the trip is a big part of the fun for us. Find more tips on what we use on our "Planning Page" at



 Life's new chapter beginning soon
Looking forward to April 2016 to start our new journey in life! -Angela

Count down the days Angela - it's a whole new chapter in your life and you're going to love it. It's been 5 years for us and it just keeps getting better!

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Maine to California by way of Florida
Hi There, Thank you for responding and for sharing information with us.   We have some concerns because we will not be on the road to leave until around October 18 or 19 or thereabouts…and we have concerns about weather heading west.   We were told to be sure to travel south.  We’d love to sight see along the way weather permitting so if you have any suggestions, we’d certainly appreciate them.    We’d like to stop in some good spots so we can rest a few days at different spots.   Coming across from CA to Maine, we took the 40 but we didn’t rest much and since we’re up there in age, we really don’t want to do that again.  It was back in August and I swear I don’t feel like we’ve recovered yet!  LOL If you can share a nice place to settle for winter in Florida, also, we’d appreciate your suggestions.  We’d like something near a beach on the gulf side.  Any suggestions you might have for long term in winter would be so appreciated! -:L&R

Hi L&R,  We will be the first to agree with you that RV trips can be very, very tiring. That's why we try to keep our travel days under 250 miles and we stay a minimum of 2 nights in each stopover. To us the journey is the fun and why rush when we are retired. We are the last to leave most mornings and often the first to arrive at the next stop. We ask our hosts about the fun things we should see locally and where their favorite Mom & Pop restaurant is - then we have the entire next day to explore the area. The month of October we are normally on the road heading South each Fall and we usually spend the entire month on the road. We have never experienced really bad weather and one time we were able to follow the Fall color change all the way South. You do have to check with the campgrounds up North because many do close on Columbus Day. If you have the time I would suggest one of our favorite routes which would be I-88 which starts in Schenectady to Binghamton and then I-86 West. A trip through the Finger Lakes Region and Southern Tier of NY State would let you visit from choices like the Corning Glass Museum, The Glenn Curtiss "Cradle of Aviation" Musum, Watkins Glen, The Baseball Hall of Fame, Lucille Ball's hometown (Jamestown folk love their Lucy!), even follow a "Wine Trail" around one of the beautiful Finger Lakes. You don't have to be a wine drinker to enjoy the "grape" views along a Wine Trail. At the Western end of I-86 we pick up I-90 for a couple of nights stay in Conneaut, Ohio on Lake Erie for great sunsets and good food. Then a few miles West on I-90 you can pick up I-71 for a diagonal route Westward though Ohio to Louisville, Kentucky. Take I-65 South from Louisville to Nashville and enjoy the Grand Old Opry then West on I-40 to Memphis. Isn't Elvis' Graceland on everyone's "Bucket List"? From Memphis you can continue West on I-40 but we would suggest taking I-55 South - for 2 reasons - we love the drive through Mississippi and we love to visit New Orleans near the end of the route. If you choose to head that way we can suggest campgrounds we liked, places we've visited and a good restaurant or 3. Now about your other question. RV Parks directly on the beach are not plentiful along Florida's Gulf Coast. The closer you are to a beach you will find the highest prices and limited open sites - depending on the Season. You will need to make reservations far in advance for most of these Parks.
Following are 4 we know of and in my personal opinion you will find the first - Fort DeSoto - well worth a visit.

The UK to Charleston via Philidelphia
1. Hello from the UK! We are looking to do a Winnebago trip from Philadelphia to Charleston SC.  We have approximately ten nights for our trips.  I would appreciate any help you can give me with a route and great campgrounds.  I have two children aged 13 and 10 and we would like to include beach destinations.  We’ll be travelling from 25th August for ten nights. Thanks for your help. -Lesley

Nice to hear from you. I will show you the route we take to bypass the very heavily trafficked I-95 Interstate areas around Baltimore and Washington DC which do get very intense. We have traveled this route towing a 38' 5th Wheel in the past and can assure you it is the easiest as well as being often quite scenic. You'll find the map on Google Maps.
Myrtle Beach is one of the finest beach areas on our East Coast and it has every amenity you could ask for from great restaurants, outlet shopping, amusement parks and beautiful beaches as far as the eye can see. There are several campgrounds on the beach.There are other beaches and attractions along this route if you tell us your interests besides beaches - theme parks? historical? Civil War? The next question is how many hours per day do you wish to drive and we will help you with nice campgrounds along the route? The sooner you can reply the sooner we can help as you need to consider reservations due to heavy campground usage in popular places during Summer

Hello, Thanks for coming back to us. We are struggling with the Winnebago, unfortunately there isn’t a drop off near Charleston.  Our next plan is to hire a car and go from Philadelphia to Washington DC and then to a beach area and stay at the beach for a week. Can you recommend a great area to go to?  We were thinking Virginia Beach area.  Atlantic City is too big and busy for us, we’re looking for a great beach with lots to do. We need to book quickly. Thanks - Lesley

I would still recommend Myrtle Beach. Check our "things to do" and the reviews on our Myrtle Beach website at
You might also want to check on RV rentals from Cruise America.

Australia to Savannah
Hello, We are an Australian couple traveling to USA in July. We would like to hire an RV and travel from somewhere around Virginia Beach to somewhere around Savannah. Our dates are 14th July to 24th July. I am really floundering as to where to hire an RV from and where to go down this east coastline. We need to be in Savannah by about the 24th July. I would greatly appreciate any help you can give us. Thank you, Best regards -Robyn

Hi Robyn, I would suggest you fly into Richmond, Virginia and possibly rent an RV from "Cruise America" ( and then drive to Virginia Beach - it's about 2 hours. There is also an RV rental company in Virginia Beach but I know nothing about them ( From Virginia Beach you can take the scenic US-17 route or choose Interstate 95. We have RV'd both routes without any problems. Have a safe trip,

Heading for Kentucky
Hi! My husband and I are new to the RVing experience. I've bounced around the internet looking for information and advice and always end up overwhelmed. We are hoping to set out for Kentucky for about a week in May. Can you advise us on anything you know or have experienced in that state. Also, if you know of any places we can stop on the way from South Jersey. Thank you, Donna

Hi Donna, For us it's all about the journey and the places we find along the route. We travel through Kentucky quite often and have enjoyed the Cave City/Mammoth Cave area, the Renfro Valley/Bluegrass area - as well as the Casino and Corvette Museum type attractions in Louisville. Have you chosen a route and a destination? Will it be a quick trip to spend the bulk of your week at a specific destination? There are a whole host of variables that make it difficult for us to suggest things to do or see which might interest you. Give us more information and we can share our Kentucky experiences.
Fall Photography
Hello Niki and Jack, While searching for the best trails to follow next fall for the Pixel Gypsy's (a group of between four and six RVers who are all photographers) from Oklahoma to Maine and down the East coast, I happened upon your web sit.  It is so well done with great tips and trails. Very exciting! We are venturing out for a local trip next week and was trying to put some information together to get our Fall planning under way.  Your site offers an all in one.  Just wanted to let you know how much I have enjoyed reading and studying your trails. One of our group are full timers while the rest of us are Want-A-Be's.  Carol and Steve D. travel around the US all year and venture back to Oklahoma to join us some each year. I plan to steer the rest of our group to your web site but just thought I would touch base with you.  A great resource you have and I appreciate the time you have taken to record all of the information. Photography is a passion.  It is simply seeing in a small frame a part of what we all see with our eyes.  Like I mentioned, our little group of gypsy's are planning to leave Oklahoma the end of September and head Northeast then follow the turning leaves down the East coast for five or six weeks.  When we get our route laid out, I may give you a shout for some pointers. Thank you again recording such a wonderful log of your adventures.  Look forward to following some of your trail tracks.  Have a great week!  -Fran

Hi Fran, Thank you so much for the kind comments. We do put some time into it but it is a labor of love. We just paid a visit to your website and were very impressed. What an artistic eye you have for nailing a scene and bringing out the beauty! Love the Keeper of the Light. If your group ever ventures towards the Adirondacks - our Summer home - or the Tampa/Clearwater area - for the colder months - send us a note and we can point you to some dynamite picture possibilities.

How can I get a list of the American Legion Posts that have RV parking and those that have hookups. The only thing that I can see on the list of Campsites are privately owned RV parks. FMCA Elks has a map and the locations with the info need for the RV parking at the Lodge. -Al

At one time there was such a list and then that website went down and I have yet to find it anyplace. We have put together our own list of American Legion Posts with RV camping available at

Great site. Thank you for sharing. We just bought a new MH and have 2 cats.    How do you deal with the cats on the road. They are declawed on front feet. Thank you. -Roscoe

Hi Roscoe,
No problem so far traveling with our 2 cats. Our 2 have declawed front feet as well. They sit up on the front seat console in the truck and usually just nap. The litter box fits fine behind my seat though they seldom use it and the food and water bowls sit well behind Niki's seat. We always move the litter box and food/water into the RV before we move the cats in. It's just home each night to them but with different scenery. Thank you for your kind comments. _______________________________________________________________________________

I'm trying to figure out the best route to Myrtle Beach from fort DeSoto Florida  whether I go up 17 or I stay on 95 and go over any and all insight will be appreciated we are riding in 35 A with a flat tow. -JKM

Good Morning Steve,
We stop in Myrtle Beach on our way North nearly every Spring and have tried several routes. I'll give you our favorite; We stop at Jolly Acres in St, George overnight. It's just a short ways off I-95, it's Passport America, nice people and Shugg's Restaurant is one of our favorites on any route (see our review under St. George:
From Jolly Acres we take US-78 South towards Goose Creek where we pick up 52/Alt 17 and follow it into Georgetown where we pick up 17 into Myrtle Beach. Alt 17 is a good road and takes you through the SC countryside. We pulled our 38' 5th Wheel over it with no problems.
US-17 is a scenic route but with a LOT of tourist traffic. There is also a humungous bridge in Charleston (which I try to avoid at all costs as I am in the vertically challenged population). We have taken US-17 all the way from its start below Charleston to Norfolk in the past and do recommend it if you have a lot of time to enjoy it. Much to see and enjoy. We try to keep each day under 200 miles and spend at least 2 nights at each stopover to explore an area.
We have also done I-95 to Florence and then US-76 to US-501 and down many times though usually coming from the North. It is probably the easiest if you are in a hurry and it doesn't add a lot of time to the trip overall.
That's our 2-cents for what it's worth. We try to enjoy the journey as much as the destination and are usually in no hurry. Be sure to check out our friend's Myrtle Beach page at She does a great job of covering MB. _______________________________________________________________________________

Hi,My name is Kathy and I was wondering if you could help me out. Until November 2014 I had lived an worked in a rv park in Az.  I moved across country and while traveling through Georgia,I lost my travel trailer. I have arrived in Jupiter,Fl and I am looking for park work I do have a nice truck and a nice tent I was given by a law enforcement officer after I lost my travel trailer. I'm trying to save up funds so I can get another trailer. Would you know of any campgrounds or rv parks that might employ me. I don't have any problems passing a background check as I use to be a lic. Security guard. If you have any contacts here in Florida or any suggestions, I would greatly appreciate them. I thank you for your time and may the roads be nice to you and have safe travels.

Hi Kathy,
We are very sorry to hear about you losing your trailer. That had to be one of life's worst moments!
You may or may not have looked on our website but I have listed 17 websites that list current Workamping jobs. he best - bar none - is Colleen's which is very first on the list on our page at
They are all Free sources and most keep current.
I wish we had an opening to tell you about but we don't so dig in and start contacting the places that sound interesting to you. We do get alerted to jobs open from time to time directly as well and will keep your email address on file.
Let us know how you make out

Hey Guys!
I just discovered your website and enjoy it. My wife and I live just outside Cincinnati, Ohio and we plan to be snowbirds in about a year. We are currently researching rigs and believe that we want a 38 ft class A RV. We're undecided on whether to get a gas or diesel model. We considered the 5th wheel idea but she wants to be able to get up and walk back to the bathroom and perhaps get a sandwich out of the refrigerator. My research shows the cost to be the same. We are going to tow our 2011 Honda CRV with 4 wheels down. I have a friend who does this from Wisconsin.
What are your thoughts on RV's...what made you decide on the 5th wheel and would you do it again? Did you consider the Class A? What are your thoughts on engine types?
We are now Facebook friends, so I'll be watch there too. Thanks, Bruce

Hi Bruce,
Good to have you aboard. Whichever RV you choose I think you both will love the lifestyle you will soon be embarking upon.
I spent most of my working life in Upstate NY and I knew the number one priority after retirement in 2008 was no more Winters. I was divorced and came down to Florida to decide what I was going to do with the new chapters in my life. My older brother and his wife had been spending partial and full Winters down here for some 29 years so it was a good place to start.
To make a long story short - Florida is a great place not only for great weather but good pickings for buying an RV - always a big turnover. I quickly found a good bargain on on a used, gas, Allegro Class A, purchased a toad for towing my little Suzuki and headed back to the Adirondacks for the Summer where I lucked into a Workamping Host position and thus began the second half of my life.
I really didn't care for the way the motorhome handled on the road though it was very well built and comfortable otherwise. My brother had owned travel trailers and warned me about how they handled on long trips so I opted for an F-150 and a 24' 5th Wheel with a slide. I towed that back to Florida the following Fall with no problems. That Winter I met Niki and quickly found that 24' would not be comfortable for 2 people.
We went BIG with a new 38' Coachmen 5th Wheel with 3 slides and traded up to an F-250 gas truck. A beautiful rig with plenty of room and perfect if we were going to park it beside a lake somewhere. First, I am not a truck driver and secondly there was a great deal of set-up and take-down when moving from place to place. We traded down (in size) to a 32' Excel 5th Wheel with 3 slides and one of the few truly built for full-time and 4-Season travel. We love it.
You brought up a good point in the wife would like the ability to get out of her seat to make a sandwich or whatever while you are on the road. Speaking from experience - you - the driver will want that ability as well. Since they haven't made a coach with automatic pilot yet you'll need a rest area. They are plentiful as are truck stops, shopping malls, Walmarts and Cracker Barrels to name a few. Choose the right 5th Wheel and you will have access to the fridge and bathroom without having to open the slides. The truck unhooks and re-hooks faster than you can do the same with a tow behind on a motorhome and we usually unhook even on the rare occasion we spend only one night at a campground.
Yes I am biased towards 5th Wheels pulled by trucks and I would suggest that you look at both motorhomes and 5th wheels with an open mind. We did not want a diesel truck and Niki didn't want to drive a dually. I researched every make of truck until I found the best combination of engine, suspension and rear end to safely pull what we wanted weight-wise in a trailer then we ordered that combination from the Ford factory. It has worked well for us since December of 2012.
Apologies for the long ramble but I wanted to give you an idea of my thinking on the subject. It boils down to bigger is not always better and secondly you might consider a pros and cons sheet for your choices. I would also suggest you consider going to a big RV Show like Tampa or Hershey and not just the regional shows with local dealers. When you find one you like visit the factory they would love to have you.
One final caution - beware of dealers! They are professional salespeople at best and used car salesmen at the worst. How good is their service department because that is what you will be visiting more often. I have a couple of stories about big dealers and service departments for another time if you want to hear them. Bottom-line is if I need major repairs that I cannot do myself I will take it back to the factory in Kansas.
We wouldn't trade this life for anything but we have learned some lessons along the way. We wish you both the best and we will always be here to try and answer any questions that you want to shoot our way.

Looking to fill in for camp hosts as we begin our retirement and more time in the RV.  We live in Western WA.  Have a new RV 2015 Holiday Rambler Augusta 25.  Just back from a West Coast trip.  Want to explore BC and Alaska next.  We could come to you and you could have a week or so off....  Is anyone doing this? Thx.  Esther

Hi Esther,
You will find hundreds of openings on the 20 free websies we have listed on our website at
We do see caretaker or farm/ranch sitter type jobs quite often especially on "Colleen's Workers on Wheels" we have listed. Some are long term and some may be negotiable.
It takes a little research work but you can find just about anything you are looking for on the Web.

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My wife and I are in our second year of camping. Now fully retired, and looking at a foot of snow outside our Cincinnati home, we are ready (we think) to head south this fall/winter. We have really enjoyed reading about your travels and would appreciate some advice.
We are considering just "bouncing around" warmer climates (Florida, etc.) We would like the freedom of leaving a campground after a day or so (especially if it is not  a place we like) but  would like the option to stay longer, if it is a nice place, close to attractions that interest us, etc.
Because of various reservation policies, we are hesitant to give out a credit card number ahead of time. Is it too risky to not have a reservation? Might we encounter mainly full campgrounds in warmer climates? We want to enjoy our snowbird exploring without being tied to a reservation to move to another campground by a certain date.
Thank you so much, -Jeff and Sheila

Hi Jeff,
This retirement thing is a great gig isn't it? That together with RVing makes our "Golden Years" worth waiting for.
You have very good questions. I am not crazy about letting my credit card out on the Net or phone either. One thing we do is have a credit card just for our travels instead of using our debit cards. The institution also notifies us immediately on any transaction over $100. Just something to consider.
Reservations are a sticky subject. Most of the popular Snowbird destinations down South are booked up early. Two ways to overcome that is to plan your stops away from the popular destinations which is Orlando and the Coastal parts of Florida. RV Parks/campgrounds located near the center of the State are better possibilities for having short term openings. Day trips from such a home-base location would put you at either Coast fairly quickly for exploring.
Also consider a Passport America membership. We use ours at least 75% of the time in our travels and most of the member campgrounds actually do not allow reservations. Just be sure to read the fine print at any of their campgrounds for exclusions. There is a lot of talk about the PA Parks and campgrounds being unsuitable but it depends on what you are looking for. I think of our 135+ campgrounds to date we have only found a couple we would not stay at again (and only 1 that Niki puts in the "Deliverance" category!).
We normally spend 2 nights at a stop and it's a simple matter to move on if we don't like a place or add extra nights if we want to explore more of an area. The only time we make reservations on the road is when we are headed into a tourist destination area.
Hope this helps a little - it is the way that travel works the best for us. We do a lot of planning in advance to establish the "must-sees" along a new route but we also allow time for the surprises we find along the way. Locals are a great source for information they are proud and happy to share.

I just found your site and enjoyed reading about your travels. My husband and I are thinking about buying a 5th wheel next year and spending summers in Ohio and winters in Florida. Your reviews on the expense of your trip and reviews of the campgrounds you stayed at have been so helpful. My question is: where did you stay in Tampa? What research I have done so far shows a lot of the campgrounds will only let you stay so long at one place and then you must move on. How long were you at your campground in Tampa?  -Gerry

Hi Gerry,
Unless you both really enjoy the cold weather we bet you are looking forward to warmer climes for the Winter?
To answer your question - we have Wintered in the same RV park for the past 5 Winters and my brother and his wife were in the same park for the 29 years previous to us.
Our park is located on the Northeast side of Tampa in the small town of Thonotosassa. There are actually 3 other RV parks in the same Town.
We love it because it is in the country yet we are 10 minutes from Busch Gardens (an Annual Pass will keep you entertained all Winter), MOSI the Museum of Science and Industry, USF the University of South Florida, as well as every type of restaurant and shopping experience you could want.
The park we stay in is only interested in long term as is 2 of the other 3 parks. It all comes down to the amenities you require. Our park, for instance, is "bare bones" and we like it that way. There is no pool, cable or WiFi but is quiet, well taken care of with each space having a concrete pad for a patio area and honest to goodness grass around us. We pay $275/month and the electric is metered. Each space has its own address and mailbox. It's what we like because we are on the go all the time. The other 3 parks have the pools and daily activities but you pay quite a bit more. It all boils down to what is right for you.
Just type "rv park, Thonotosassa, FL" in Google Search and these 5 will come up:
Southern Aire RV Park
Spanish Main Carefree RV Resort
Happy Traveler RV Park
Lazydays RV Resort
Tampa East RV Resort
Then you can find information about each of them. The first 3 are within a couple of miles from us and from each other. Happy Traveler is within walking distance of one of the area's largest flea markets if it's an interest.
You may not be able to tell but we do love it here and our Winters. The entire area is geared for Snowbirds and Seniors with so much to do and the  BOGO's and specials never stop.
Have a look at the local parks and let us know if you have any other questions and we will do our best to answer them. _______________________________________________________________________________

Wanting to go south maybe Mo, Tx need to know about parks that will accept my equipment. 1997 coachman travel trailer excellent shape pulled by 1998 Silverado diesel dulley also in excellent condition. Barn kept when not in use. A lot of places don't like older trailers and old people. Before I go on road need to know what is ahead. Please your advise would be appreciated. -Bill

Hello Bill,
Nice to hear from you.
We have Workamped and hosted for the past 5 years as well as RVing for quite a few thousand miles and have yet to see or hear of anyone being refused because of age of themselves or their trailers if in excellent condition.
At most a campground owner is just worried about a poorly maintained trailer breaking down in his Park or making his campground unsightly to other campers.
I am listing some sources we use for planning a trip. Once you decide when and where you are going you can choose to phone or email a campground ahead of time to see if they would object to taking your money and I will bet very few will turn you down.
RV Parky
A favorite place to begin our planning. Just pop Missouri or Texas into the look-up box and you will see what I mean.
A great website with many filters to look up exactly the type campground you want in the State you want.
RV Park Reviews
See what others think about a campground you are considering.
Google Maps
Put in an address and you can get a bird's eye view of a campground and even zoom in for a look at the entrance to any campground.
I hope this helps with your planning. If you do visit Missouri try to make a stop for lunch or dinner at a place called "Lanbert's Cafe - Home of the Throwed Rolls". We happened to stop at 2 of their 3 locations this past Fall and it was a hoot AND the food is great also. We stayed at Cape Camping & RV Park 1900 N. Kings Highway, Cape Girardeau, MO.  

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