Getaway Mountain
Route 5 South
Ascutney, Vermont
127 miles from Warrensburg, NY
108 miles to Epsom, NH
Amenities: 10 spacious pull-thrus, 50amp, store, propane, pet friendly. Wi-fi hot spot near the store, nice pool.
Great Chinese buffet (Imperial Buffet, 154 Washington St, Claremont, NH) only 7 miles from the campground and located beside a Walmart Super Center.
Mt Ascutney hiking nearby.
Vermont Country Store in Weston, VT is only a 45 minute ride through some beautiful country scenery (Make it a loop.).
Picturesque setting with pine trees bordering each site. We had no trouble maneuvering our 39' Fiver in or out.
(Google Maps give incorrect directions.)
Take Exit 9 from I-91. Turn South on US-5 (Connecticut River Road) for 1.5 miles. Campground entrance appears quickly on the right.
For more Info:
Park Website
Return to the
You are in the neighborhood, so be sure to visit the Vermont Country Store in Weston, Vermont

Vermont Country Store, 657 Main St., Weston, Vermont
You'll find many of the toys, games, candy, tools and kitchen implements that we all grew up with and haven't seen for years. Clothing too!
This trip is a "trip" worth taking.